All Hospitals Bikur Cholim Rooms are stocked for Sukkot with supplies and Fresh meals.
Lulav and Etrog bundles are also located in the pantires.
If you are a patient and cannot leave your room, please ask the chaplain to retrieve the Lulav bundle for you.
Bikur Cholim house
All other Hospitals
· Shabbat/Yom tov boxes are located in the chaplains office
· Fresh food delivered with some advance notice
Suburban Hospital has a
· Lulav available at Chaplains office
· Sukkah located at the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House across the street from NIH and Near Suburban Hospital. Sukkah and hospitals are within the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Eruv
· Sukkah located at Ahavas Torah Woodside Synagouge within walking distance of Holy Cross Hospital
Pop up Sukkah Available by request