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  • Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington 12320 Parklawn Drive Rockville, MD, 20852 United States (map)

All Hospitals Bikur Cholim Rooms are stocked for Sukkot with supplies and Fresh meals.

Lulav and Etrog bundles are also located in the pantires.

If you are a patient and cannot leave your room, please ask the chaplain to retrieve the Lulav bundle for you.

Bikur Cholim house


All other Hospitals

· Shabbat/Yom tov boxes are located in the chaplains office

· Fresh food delivered with some advance notice

Suburban Hospital has a

· Lulav available at Chaplains office

· Sukkah located at the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House across the street from NIH and Near Suburban Hospital. Sukkah and hospitals are within the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Eruv


· Sukkah located at Ahavas Torah Woodside Synagouge within walking distance of Holy Cross Hospital

Pop up Sukkah Available by request



September 12

Covid Updates with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

October 3

Dental health Drive-By Program